###蒙特卡洛算法(Monte Carlo Algorithm) 在这本书里面,前面我们已经学到的算法都是属于确定性算法。有这样一种情况,一个确定性算法不得不仔细判断大量的甚至指数级的可能事件。在这种情况下,我们用到了下面现在我们要学习的一种特殊类的概率算法。该算法在不同的运行步数下提供随机性的选择,在应对决策问题的情况下,这种算法叫做蒙特卡洛算法。

A Monte Carlo algorithm for a decision problem uses a sequence of tests. The probability that the algorithm answers the decision problem correctly increases as more tests are carried out. At each step of the algorithm, possible responses are “true,” which means that the answer is “true” and no additional iterations are needed, or “unknown,” which means that the answer could be either “true” or “false.” After running all the iterations in such an algorithm, the final answer produced is “true” if at least one iteration yields the answer “true,” and the answer is “false” if every iteration yields the answer “unknown.” If the correct answer is “false,” then the algorithm answers “false,” because every iteration will yield “unknown.” However, if the correct answer is “true,” then the algorithm could answer either “true” or “false,” because it may be possible that each iteration produced the response “unknown” even though the correct response was “true.” We will show that this possibility becomes extremely unlikely as the number of tests increases.

决策问题只有“对”与“错”两种答案。在每一步迭代中,如果决策是“对”,意味着回答是“对”,并且与算法的其他迭代无关;也可能回应“未知”,意味着答案可能是“对”也可能是“错”。在全部均迭代过后,如果至少有一次迭代中生成了结果“对”,那么结果就为”对“;如果每个重复生成的回答都是”未知“,那么结果就为”错“。 然而,如果正确答案是”对“,而算法可以回答”对“或”错“,有可能所有的迭代均得到的回答是”未知“。(这就是其中的小概率的错误概率。) (这一段是我对书上的翻译,我理解下来,这段描述的其实是拉斯维加斯算法吧,是不是我理解错了,希望明白的人能指正一下)





参考资料: [1]http://www.zhihu.com/question/20254139 [2]http://www.cnblogs.com/daniel-D/p/3388724.html [3]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_method